Our office pod voted to forgo the usual fattening holiday restaurant meal in favor of a field trip to the local bowling alley.
It was fascinating to see that the place was chock full at 2:00 in the afternoon. I always imagine that life shuts down while I am in my carpeted cubicle.
We got our shoes, ordered greasy food and cheap beer, and then got down to brass tacks. I didn't want to intimidate the young people in our office, so I played an easy game and let them win. My high score: 64. Their average: 250.

Caroline, I have missed catching you on your blog. I really love this one. I can very much relate, the one with the one pin shooting off to the side. Very nice!
This is such a wonderful post and I just love your ability to get your message across with your drawings! Very unique for sure! Also, love the fact you guys went bowling for the holiday! That had to have been fun!
You bowl like me. I haven't bowled in years. Mine go straight down the middle for nearly the whole length of the alley and then as if commanded by some higher order -- quickly veer directly to the gutter. So your score is not too bad and obviously your bowling angel is not as ornery.
Thanks for the humor and whimsy on a cold, gloomy Saturday!
Hey Marianne! Thanks for visiting.
Hi Mon@arch-- Thanks for understanding how hard I try to cook the story down to a few images. It was really a really fun way to relax with co-workers.
TR -- Yes! The veer is so uncanny. I'm glad it brought humor into the day. I actually really enjoyed drawing and coloring it! Also, you posted the same message 3 times, so I deleted two.
Very cool. I can't bowl 10-pin worth a darn, but while in Canada, I learned that I have an innate talent at 5-pin.
Nice to do something "different" w/coworkers, too!
That's mighty nice of you to let them win at Christmas time. I admire you spirit of giving! And your bowling attire as well. :)
What a fun post, thanks for sharing with us! I love the illustrations.
Happy Holidays!
Hi Monkey,
Yes, well, if Annie Oakley could win shoot-outs wearing a skirt, I figured that bowling was fair game. Hmmm, but I get extra points for dealing with control-top pantihose.
Hi Ellen from Growing Gills. Thanks for visiting!
Your blog and drawings are delightful! Sounds like a very sane idea for a party. I am one of the worst bowlers on earth, but I am consistent. I'm told that consistency is good in bowling. ;-)
Happy Holidays, Caroline. Sounds like a fun time was had by all. I look forward to your "sketchy" posts in the new year.
I am delighted every time I come here. An unusual idea for a Christmas party and, I think, a good one, sounds like you had fun. Love, just love the drawings! Sending love to you for the Christmas holiday and ever after.
Crayons, Sparkly Sea Cow has been BEGGING to go bowling this vacation. We simply MUST don our bowling attire and go together. Sue W. is coming to town with her kids; perhaps we should have a bowling party!
Hey Suzy,
Thanks for the comment. I keep hoping that you will revive your own excellent drawing skills. Sparkly Sea Cow is right in her enthusiasm. Bowling is the great equalizer, and it's the closest to good, clean fun that I've seen in a long time.
Yup ... I have the same thing happen when I'm bowling. Little rockets appear and off goes my bowling ball into those huge gutters.
This sounds like a whole lot more fun than an office lunch...
Those are great drawings btw!
Great post! I've always found it difficult to capture that kind of movement in a drawing, but you managed to get it down beautifully.
I love going bowling, not because I'm a good bowler, but because I love to watch the little dances and rituals people perform when they bowl. I also like the rumble of the ball going down the alley and the explosion of pins at the end. And Bowling Boutiques™ are just a weird scene.
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