Friday, September 19, 2008

Courage and happiness

This is a post about how scary and brazen it is to make a career change in adulthood. The stakes are so much higher than in our youth.

At press time: Please add Dale's name to this list.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Good for her! We should all be so lucky as to have enough courage to follow our dreams and desires.

Peggy said...

I second that--good for her! And I bet she beamed when she read this!

Lana Gramlich said...

Kudos to her (& others!) not only for having the guts to "go for it," but for doing so in a typically male-dominated field! I hope she's sweaty, greasy, tired & HAPPY at the end of her days. :)
With the lack of job security these days, such things are being forced upon many more people now. Whether a person makes this decision themselves or it's put on them by others, the key is to adapt.
I just found out the other day that Verizon merged w/another company to become the largest wireless provider in the US. Then they promptly fired my brother (who's 41 with 2 kids & was a regional manager for the SE US.) First they'd stolen his pension, now this. I just hope he's as adaptable as your friends. The hubby & I have also personally sworn off Verizon. It's more than "business." For us it's personal.
Can I go off on a tangent or WHAT? *LOL*

Suzie Ridler said...

That is just the coolest! I love it women women and young women decide to do something completely different. I can really relate to needing to be outside in particular. I love the look of confusion of the dancing students' face! Perfect Caroline.

kerrdelune said...

Good for her, and can I ever relate to this post!smoeocj

Ed said...

I like the closet full of identical clothes.
Maybe some day I'll find a new job, too.

nina at Nature Remains. said...

Bravo to her for being brave.

I know how easy it is to follow along with what has always been done until you feel it is too late.

With each passing year, the wonderings continue.
Is it ever too late?

Timaree said...

It does take courage and it's so hard to muster up enough of it. Good for her and any others who can do it.

bobbie said...

This is a really nice post! Emily and those like her are to be congratulated, as are you for giving us her story - and learning about all the equipment she uses in her job in order to portray it here. I love your "cube" picture too. Sometimes it take a while to discover in what direction we really want to go. She found it, and is following through on it!

BTW, I finally got a copy of Artful Blogging. (Difficult to find things down here at the end of the world) Four beautiful pages! They did well by you. You are also to be congratulated for that article.

Anonymous said...

I so admire anyone with the strength and courage to follow their dreams...

coolwaterworks said...

Hi Caroline. This is an inspiring post... And I can relate to your friend... :)

By the way, the dancing lessons drawing made me smile... You are really amazing with crayons!

Be well always... :)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. I love your drawings and your stories. This one hit me hard because now I'm the one dying in an office job. Tell Emily how much she inspired me.

Anonymous said...

I am totally inspired by and in awe of Emily. Such courage. It just goes to show that with the right attitude it is never too late!

Balisha said...

Hooray for Emily. What a versatile.. fearless woman. Whatever is she doing on that roof?

Ginnie said...

You need to add yourself to the list of courageous women, Caroline. Remember, I've been watching you since the "Potato Prints" days and you are truly a wonder.

Suzy said...

Thanks, Caroline. <3

Jamie said...

Yay, Emily!!! May we all find the courage to make such bold choices and not let our spirits die.

Thank you for sharing the story, spreading the inspiration and honouring Emily!

MojoMan said...

A smart move! The future will belong to those who do real, honest labor and not to those who push paper and digits around. Think about it. When the stuff really hits the fan, who do you want to have around: a plumber or a telemarketer?

virtualjourney said...

Called in via Lana's - love this post. Seriously funny, I guess & great artwork. I laughed at the dozer on the building....

susan m hinckley said...

Nothing I love more than people's stories. And people's stories illustrated with your drawings? Perfect. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

thanks CB - you're a gem! Favorite one is the closet full of coveralls.

Mary said...

Carolyn, sounds like me. Cube jobs. They suck. But I've never had the courage your friends have, to let go of the boring guarantee... I'd love to be a flagger with a road construction crew or a digger in a nursery. At 53, I need fresh air and muscle.

You are wonderful to commend your brave friends.
