This post took about 14 hours (conceptualize, draw, color, edit). It took 4 years of thought to render into just a few sentences. I'm not sure why I did that strange (ugly) lettering on the last two images. I wanted to convey the prickly, un-scripted feel of the moment.
Thanks to Jim Burns & Co. for the use of this beautiful image. Visit their website.
Montauk Point is one of my favorite places in the world. I lived on L.I. for 21 years. My husband took me out to the point before we were married to see the light house, and I've been there with all of my children and grandchildren (except Isaac). Never went birding there though.
As always, you drawings are superb. I am familiar with that "am I ever dumb" feeling when with a group of experts.
Thanks for a great post.
Oh - and there's nothing wrong with a good pair of opera glasses. I have them. they show you distances just as well!
Never apologize for your great art and posts, they are magic.
I think you did a fine job on this post and I am glad you came by my birds blog again and had a look.
Caroline...wonderful post as usual. Many wouldn't even go birding with a group for fear they would appear dumb....That's the best way to learn I've found.
I enjoyed the post Caroline.Great illustrations and I don't think the lettering on the last two illustrations are ugly.
This might be one of my favorite posts! Your illustrations really capture the close-knit excitement of the experience. And, as always, your details are stunning! Kudos to you for sticking with the group, learning something new, and enjoying yourself!
hi! i just saw a really nice comment you left for me in 2007! thank you so much for the nice words, and i hope you are well!
Hello there,
Your letterings aren't ugly at all! I like this post. Yeah I get the same feeling of not knowing what to say or do when i'm with people who know much more. Ofcourse, you get to know more yourself that way, but you still feel kind of left out and dumb, ha!
Hi, Caroline -- you have such a wonderful way of distilling words and images to convey the essence of a story. I have yet to read (and see)one I don't love. Thanks for what you do!
Caroline, it is my dream to one day join a group of bird observers and to be able to learn from them. And probably, I would also experience that "am I ever dumb" feeling... :D
Your work with crayons are magical as always.
A post that's both thought-provoking and adorable is rare. Don't apologize for a thing.
I often bike past groups of birders in the Arboretum, and they have a unique presence: gentle,focused, intent and intense.
You should get an award for your blog. It's amazing! That you are able to convey your thoughts and feelings, however awkward or joyful is a talent and an inspiration. Reading your new posts makes my day :+D
A really special post - You are such an inspiration Caroline.
Wish you were still around Long Island...
You captured the joy and wonder experienced when we see the beautiful birds in our world. I felt like I was there with you!
Oh my gosh, I loved this post. It's almost exactly like my first time birding with people--I felt weird and shy and completely out of my depth. That's why I started my birdy blog; so I could document that feeling and watch myself change as I learned. This will be the official Crayons post of my birdy blog! Hope you don't mind if I link?
I liked the lettering...actually I think I like the lettering in the last two pictures the best.
I am always so impressed with your creations!
Carol, I could spend hours catching up with you. This birding trip is right on the mark! I've felt out of place many times while learning the names of birds. Tee-hee. I'll never know sparrows...
If I had seen "tick infestation", I'd be outta there.
Being a native Lon Gislander, this post brought back memories. I've still never seen a Le Conte's sparrow, though...Kudos!
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