Monday, December 17, 2007

Democracy, Part II

Congresswoman Baldwin, standing in front of the podium, called on each speaker and then listened actively. She nodded, took notes, and sometimes asked for clarification. Ninety percent of the speakers expressed strong opposition to the occupation of Iraq, and urgent support for impeachment of Dick Cheney and George Bush. One timid man stood up clutching a small copy of the Constitution. He spoke haltingly and quietly. I was so proud when Luminiferous Ether stood up and delivered a point-perfect description of the crimes that this administration has committed.
Her final remarks were quite simple: "Withdraw, impeach."
To be continued, I think.


TR Ryan said...

Impeach now! Great post. Thank you.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I hope you continue this series. I love it!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...
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Pam said...

Impeach! How is it that they've gotten away with so much for so long?


Suzy said...

Caroline, thanks. I'm so sick of speaking out and having nothing happen. Is Tammy finally listening?

And what whacko brings their knitting to a political meeting? Do you suppose they'll let me bring t to Guantanamo?

Ginnie said...

Bush has done so much damage to our nation that it will take years to overcome it... but I think impreacment would only take away from the more pressing situation....getting us out of this preemptive war.

Lana Gramlich said...

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.