Friday, July 25, 2008

Important Work

Keene Organics, a Wisconsin Family Organic Farm, sells at the Marshall Farmer's Market on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.   Write to them at 


KrisMrsBBradley said...

Holy cow! I just found your blog via Sacred Suzie, and I am wildly impressed with your drawings! They are fabulous!

Peggy said...

I envy you--wish I could find something like that to do! SO MUCH better than being in any office! Enjoy!

Beth said...

as always, a truly brilliant slice of truth in pictures.

Ginnie said...

Oh, Caroline, I think you've finally found the perfect place. It looks like so much fun and maybe you could do a promotion type thing for them with your drawings. I am convinced that it is your sketches that will take you to a special place one of these days.

Lana Gramlich said...

Profits, shmofits (although I understand the need for a paycheck, of course.) Glad you helped out on the farm. Time quite well spent. :)

Shopgirl said...

I understand dirt, I live on a small farm in Idaho. I hope you enjoyed the farm as much as I enjoyed your post about the day.You should write a book with your graphic style, it would be so good. i will be back, Hugs, Mary

Ed said...

What happened to your job at the childcare center? I'm so confused...

Marie Walden said...

There is a lovely calm that settles over me when I'm covered in dirt, having spent a day working (or hiking!) outdoors.

The drawings are beautiful, as always.

laughingwolf said...

fresh garlic, yummmmmmmmm!

too bad it's thousands of miles away :(

Suzie Ridler said...

Beautiful! Oh how I wish I could do this kind of work and there are so many more stories in this kind of environment than in an old stuffy office.

When I worked in an office a friend with a hobby farm kept me entertained with her stories. I told her she should write a book. It makes me think that this is better work for you, healthy, important to the earth and full of stories.

I loved going on that journey with you! Oh and I think I may have to order that book, The Kindness Project. Thanks Caroline!

Pam said...

What a wonderful job! Your beautifully detailed drawings take us through, what I would call, a perfect day of work. And you went home happy, I liked that part the best.

Anonymous said...

I just discovered you, via the article in Artful Blogging. I LOVE what you're doing and aspire to something a smidgen as creative in my own doodles and drawings. I'm off to read ALL the archives!

Jamie said...

I could almost smell the garlic! There's something so healing about having your hands connected to the earth, even when the work is hard. What a sense of community too.

Anonymous said...

What a delightful blog you have :-)

And I hear where you're coming from in regards to manual work and feeling that you've accomplished something. I miss that feeling now that I have a office job, although when I've helped a customer, I feel good. But there's nothing like getting your hands dirty!

bobbie said...

Mmmmm garlic!
Your drawings are so beautiful!
Maggie and Shadow look fun, but not too useful.
Personally, I think dirt under the fingernails is great. And If you feel useful and happy, what could be better. I pulled corn on year. It is satisfying work.
I love Wisconsin, in the shape of a face. (I think NJ looks like the head of a gendarme.)

Suzanne said...

Wow I was given a link to your blog. Its fantastic, I love it.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Caroline.
I think the garlic farm work would be infinitely more satisfying than the temp office work. I, too, have done my share of temping - and worked for some pretty crazy companies! I love your story this week - and look forward to more!
Your fan -
Dona Davis

ellen said...

I am feeling your happiness through your words and illustrations! I'll bet that you are sleeping like a baby at night! This seems like such a good match for you; community, shared important work, the beauty of your surroundings, and the tranquility in the rhythmical dance with nature.
It's good. (Don't forget the sunscreen!)

T. said...

LOVE your blog. Found you through Elaine Fine. Gotta do two things now: go eat something really garlicky, and go pilfer some of my kids' crayons and do a little Sunday afternoon home art therapy!

Thanks for bringing more delight into my day!

Anonymous said...

I'd feel much more at home too with the garlic plants than the office.Love your drawings!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Good for you! I'd buy a boatload of that garlc if I lived near you. Farm and outdoor work is so much more satisfying than office work any day of the week. I can't wait until we finally get a new place where I can put in a big garden.

Lila Rostenberg said...

Bravo for you finding a niche which feeds your soul as well as other's bodies!

Mary said...

You are SPOT ON. Caroline, I would help you bundle garlic. I'd much rather accomplish something more than moving paper around in an office all day. Bundle garlic. Yes, I'd like that.

Your drawings amaze me.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Are you Caroline formerly Potato-something? I thought you'd long since quit imagine my surprise to see your spread in the new Artful Blogging magazine!! I immediately recognized your illustrations and got so excited! I hope I am right about you be THAT Caroline.....I plan to now visit often!
Lisa Oceandreamer

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I wanted to let you know I have a new blog now, I hope you'll stop by now and then. Thanks for the email and letting me know it's you. If you haven't seen the Artful Blogging magazine yet does this mean you haven't seen YOUR article in the new issue?? YOU MUST!
Lisa Oceandreamer

Btw, you do the most interesting things!

nina at Nature Remains. said...

So glad you've had a chance to work there.
I bagged apples at a local farm several years ago.
It made me feel very connected to what matters--more so than almost any other job I've had!

Balisha said...

I have to know....did you cook with garlic, when you got home? You have the most interesting life. I enjoy sharing your life experiences.

Anonymous said...

Gardening is such a fulfilling job. There was a sense of the idyllic in your description of it. And the drawings - always so exquisite. I feel so much better when I come here - every single time!

Melanie Margaret said...

Everything you draw is so wonderful and interesting.
Hope you find work that sustains you in all ways soon.

Sending you love!