Friday, September 12, 2008

A Magnificent and Singular Opportunity


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Amen sister.

Anonymous said...

im your favorite reader here!

Anonymous said...

very cool.

Anonymous said...

i think you add more info about it.

Anonymous said...

CB - you made me laugh and cry in the same post. Amazing. Your drawings have so much energy. My favorite is the one of Laura at the door evoking images of old westerns. Fabulous!

Nita Van Zandt said...

Indeed, the hope and urgency of Obama is calling all of us to make it happen!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post and I agree with every word (despite being British)....

susan m hinckley said...

Great post (and great art in the mail -- thanks!) Living in the twin cities during the RNC was PAINFUL, to say the least. At least our governor wasn't picked to run with McCain -- that's the only thing that could have made it worse. He's managed to suck the art and everything else out of this state. Thanks to people like you, the democrats may actually get it done this time. Let's pray!

Elaine Fine said...

Yes we can! Thank you for this beautiful post.

Ginnie said...

I couldn't agree more, Caroline. The McCain/Palin ticket is truly frightening and I pray that our country will be wise enough to see that.
I will get a yard sign as soon as I can.

Balisha said...

My husband says that we live in a house divided this year. We would need two signs...mine for Obama and his for McCain.We do have some healthy "discussions" here at home. I hope I win. Tee Hee!

Knittynutter said...

love your blog so much have tagged you with an award!!
go check out my page

Suzy said...

I have to somehow shake off this feeling of ... what is it? Dread? Being beaten down by the last 8 years? This morning I was doing a little inspirational reading before work. I was reading from a Quaker Faith and Practice book about "belief." This is nothing new, but it became clear to me that -- policies aside -- a major difference between McCain and Obama is that Obama has humility, and there is NO humility in the McCain campaign. None. Not nohow. We've lived with such hubris for so long. We need humility.

Thank you for this post.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

I really hope Obama wins!Great post caroline.

TR Ryan said...

A resounding Brava!!!

bobbie said...


Now if we could get the media to start telling the plain truth, instead of endless repetition of lies, followed by one small quiet comment that, oh by the way, that wasn't true... The public hears the lie repeated often enough and believes it.

Your post was great, as always.

Lana Gramlich said...

My fingers are certainly crossed for REAL change! I, too, loved the "Western" frame in this post. That was hysterical!

Anonymous said...

Another AMEN from this corner - or coast!

I'd like to say "ENOUGH of DECEIT!!! Are you as astonished as I was that the RNC actually acted like THEY didn't cause the HUGE budget deficit?? Remember the budget SURPLUS that this president sqaundered in his first year by sending money to taxpayers when the economists said not to?

The RNC acted like THEY didn't lead us to war, invading a sovreign nation without proven cause??? No WMDs, sound faniliar?

And Sarah Palin would bring back laws making abortion criminal (personal, not the government's business), has inquired about banning books (unconstitutional), and thinks war with Russia is okay as a possibility. Heaven save us from her!

Let us not forget that this administration has chosen to betray the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and that is TREASON. Let the trials begin.

Obama '08 because more of the same is likely to be deadly. VOTE!! Encourage all you know to register to vote if they haven't.

Okay, off the soapbox now. Next?!

Thanks, Caroline!

MojoMan said...

I was filled with dread this week. With all the media coverage about pigs and lipstick, and reminding myself that we elected the Frat Boy and Evil Puppeteer twice, I could see it happening again. God, I wish we had more gentle souls like you.

Shopgirl said...

Love the post, you are so brave to have shared this with us. It is hard these days to say much of anything. I live in Idaho....
I cried the day this Bush got in office, that woman gut feeling that we were in trouble. I shared my feelings with my husband and he looked at me like I was nuts. Now that he has had to live in this Bush world, he gets it.

Now I need to post my feeling on my blog...I too need to share some thoughts.
I am afraid for us as American's....we are better than what this 8 years has handed out.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you, my dear. You are a woman after my own heart. I truly wish I could vote in this election as I feel it is of importance to the entire world, but sadly I cannot (living in Australia as I do). I am praying that the gloss surrounding Sarah Palin will wear off and that people will truly come to their senses and vote for the only man who can save our future. Go Obama!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully optimistic post, "May the Whos chose wisely, Little Crayon."

Crafty Green Poet said...

well said and excellent drawings, very full of energy

Suzie Ridler said...

Woohoo! My cheerleading pompoms are cheering up a storm as I read this post! I am all with you, even though I am Canadian. Good for you for going in and getting that sign and not allowing apathy to settle in. It's time for change, I can't wait to see it manifest.

Thank you so much for your supportive words about my necklaces, I appreciate that. :)

Not Hannah said...

I so needed an uplift about the campaign today...THANKS!!

ellen said...

I needed this post to, as evidenced by one of my last ones! Thank you, Caroline...and the western twist had me in hysterics.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Amen indeed!

Anonymous said...

Caroline insisted that I wear the RED cowboy boots that day because she thought the sequined ones were too flashy. But I fully intend to wear sequins when Mr. Obama wins!

Lila Rostenberg said...

AMEN! [Funny how much more "on the ball" they became after the competition became intense!!!]

gma said...

Oh yeah!!!

Timaree said...

Wonderful, wonderful. No one would see a yard sign from my yard living so rurally as I do so I end up contributing a little to the campaign. I live in Arizona and I don't want McCain of ? houses getting to add the White House to his list of homes! Everyone has a right to have as many homes as they can afford and to wear 4 strands of pearls (his wife, not McCain) but don't say the guy with student loans and one house is the elitist!

Fistbump to you for this post!

Suzie Ridler said...

Wow, you get a lot of comment Caroline!

I looked into it and Golden does indeed have new products for image transfer for inkjet printers. Read about them here. It's so frustrating isn't it? They're called digital ground. I just have to figure out how on earth I am going to find them now. They're so new no one seems to have them online!

Unknown said...

This is just incredible. I'm without words to compliment you on your creativity, originality and sense of purpose. Thank you.

Bobbie at Almost There has excellent taste in blogs! :-)

bobbie said...

Hi again. Please check out my blog of 9-22. Don't feel obligated to do more than join us.

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Hi first time here. Found you through a mention at SElma in the City's recent post.
LOVE THE ARTWORK! And I certainly agree with your sentiments! GO OBAMA/BIDEN!!
Come visit me sometime.

Alida Thorpe said...

I found your blog through others and will keep coming back.

I agree with your politics and love your drawings!
Alida (Long Island Woman)

Mary said...

Yay!!!!! Amen.

joared said...

We have reclaimed our land. Hope my yard sign played some small measure of helping bring about this final outcome. Hope prevails!