Saturday, December 29, 2007

Laundry and 14th-century Persian poetry

Laundry is a thorn in my side. First, because I never learned to do it well. Second, because I suffer from low-grade agoraphobia. I dislike the smell, lighting and general feel of the laundr-o-mat. But I had run out of clean clothes, so on Wednesday night, I gathered my laundry, bundled up, donned my big boots, and grabbed my purse.

*This on the recommendation of From the Faraway, Nearby, a fellow admirer of Iranian culture. He recently asked me to consider the merits of Hafiz (or Hafez) over Rumi. I was looking forward to an hour of discovering this 14th-century Persian poet while my laundry ran its cycle. But when I got all the way out there, the place was closed for holiday break! to be continued


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I love this story already!

Anonymous said...

Closed . . . . can't wait to hear what happens next!

TR Ryan said...

I am on pins and needles. What did you do next and....hafiz vs. rumi - what was decided? I do love your art!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I HATE LAUNDROMATS ALSO! But, I love the drawing...reminds me of when I pulled up to mine and it was closed for good! Love it Caroline, so real...

ellen said...

Oh, what kind of wonderful is this? You are amazing. Rumi, I know a bit...but the others, NO. I'll have to check them out.
What a fun post...Persian poetry and laundry.
I do try a Zen like approach to my laundry...but I lose my Moment when the dryer is full, not folded, and the clothes in the washer are taking on a life of their own.
May the laundromats of life never close, may the dryers never cease and may we never be caught with our unfinished "laundry", virtual or not.

Pam said...

I love it that you have added suspense to your beautiful drawings and astute observations.

Ginnie said...

Well, let's clean clothes and your dream of an hour or two of uninterrupted poetry reading out the window. You must have been very disappointed and I can't wait to see how you handled it. I'll bet noone noticed the clothes thing, except you !

Lana Gramlich said...

Closed? Oh no! <:O

ellen said...

Thank you for your words. Thank you for your support.
I wish you the best of everything in the New Year.

nina at Nature Remains. said...

I never seem to have paper and pencil handy! It looks like you are smart to be always prepared to sketch or jot a new year's resolution ...